"Random" Blogs & Blog Posts

Chainsaws and JellyChainsaws and Jelly

Something bigger, something brighter.

Jumble MashJumble Mash

Reviews, Rants, Raves and Randomness! A little bit funny, a little bit cyni...


fierce. glamour. party. life. love. fashion. inspiration. art. photo. mood....

pic foliopic folio

A collection of random digital images.

O. is MeO. is Me

Meg O. shares her thoughts, ideas and "expert opinion" on food/r...


semi original musings of insipid insightfulness


stuff and crap.


Posting Frequency on "random"


Latest Blog Posts

I was reading earlier this week about the concerns raised by French students currently studying (or trying to) at university with minimal in-person interaction. I'm sure students all over the world are saying much the same thing at the moment. And I...

The year 2020 has just finished, Happy New Year! And guess what, even with the pandemic and all, it seems that I am still here. This blog is still going strong, so let me review what has happened during the past year by giving this overview post. Thi...

I saw yesterday that the Guardian had compiled a list of movies that people self-isolating from the Coronavirus could watch to while away some of the time.That list was strange, very strange — to say the least of it. I’d not heard of at least hal...

I just can’t COPE with this Coronavirus business. It feels like the world as we know it is disappearing in front of us, and it’s far from clear whether it will ever be the same again.Schools are closed in Ireland.Tom Hanks has been bitten by the...

Colleagues come and go. That is normal. There's always a new joiner every month, and there are also people who opt to go away and move on every month. However, even though this is a normal occurrence, there are times when it is a sad event whenev...

Joining a new company is an interesting event: you're basically an outsider, trying to see if you fit in or not. And sometimes, this period makes or breaks the overall situation. After all, humans have a sense of belonging. And if you fail to int...

There were several instances recently which somehow prompted me to think about clothing and what they mean. See, my spouse had began a new job lately, where these things matter. This is an environment where one is sometimes told to be dressed Busines...