"Sky" Blogs & Blog Posts


cerulean, an undaily visual journal


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No matter how advanced science gets, we’ll always reach a wall on forecasting the weather into the future—and that threshold, on average, is two weeks. That is how long an unaccounted-for event in our environment takes to have a significant impac...

In addition to bringing us the summer solstice—the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere—June is packed with celestial events, from meteor showers to planet sightings. Throughout the month, Mars and Venus will be getting closer toget...

Watching movies and smoking weed go hand in hand, so much so that there is an entire sub-genre of film known as the stoner comedy—usually movies about potheads under the influence or on the hunt for their next high, and getting caught up in surreal...

Venus and Jupiter are brighter than all the stars. Tonight is your last chance to see them appear side-by-side in the night sky in 2023.

Venus and Jupiter are brighter than all the stars. On the first day of meteorological spring, they'll appear to be almost touching in the night sky.

Earlier this week, I was walking through downtown Brooklyn when a man walking past me pointed up at an extremely tall high-rise, whose apex was clouded by, well, clouds. It looked ominous, like we were commuting around Gotham. “I’m obsessed with...

The Orionids appear when Earth travels through debris from Halley's Comet. NASA calls them one of the year's most beautiful meteor showers.