"Teenage Pregnancy" Blogs & Blog Posts


Young yummy single mummy trying to make her way in the world.


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A new study has found that graduation rates for teen girls tend to go up when they have access to the full range of contraceptives.Read more...

Three sets of circumstances seem to have found their way into the news in recent days.The first happened at Marie Stopes abortion clinic in Ealing, West London. After suffering an abortion, a woman is said to have collapsed on the floor, hyperventila...

A study finds that MTV’s “16 and Pregnant,” a reality show depicting very young parents, may have contributed to a drop in teenage pregnancy.    ...

Britain has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe. Rates of sexually transmitted diseases are rising.School nurses can give out the morning-after pill to teenage girl pupils at some schools in England. Dr Anne Connolly, chairman of...

Teenagers across the country are being wrongly denied Plan B by pharmacists who are apparently terrible at their job, according to a new study. More »...

In a rare example of overruling her own experts and the FDA—while apparently ignoring the highest teen pregnancy rate of any industrialized country—Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is prohibiting teenagers younger tha...

Lawmakers in Mississippi haven't responded to pressure from groups pushing for comprehensive sex education, so health advocates put the problem into terms they could understand. In addition to the tremendous emotional and financial costs for teens wh...