"Weird" Blogs & Blog Posts

Irrational FocusIrrational Focus

A bit of this, some of that and a whole lot the the other thing. You know, ...


Here you'll find my sketches, concepts, works in progress, works that ...


Thewhyfile showcases all the weird and wacky pictures, videos, links and to...


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There's no denying that Andrew Stanton's ability to pull a 5,319 pound car with his eye sockets is astonishing. I find it almost equally astonishing that Stanton woke up one day and decided to try and use his eye sockets to pull/lift things in the fi...

This man was paid a visit from the police when his holiday decoration stressed out his neighbors.  The decoration consists of a robotic, life sized mannequin that looks as if it's holding onto the side of the roof and flailing around. — Re...

Uglydesign is a deeply entertaining instagram page that showcases amazingly hideous design choices, both intentional and unintentional.  My favorites include these camo pants with a cartoon butt window on the back, This winter vest and undershir...

A resident of San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina spotted a bizarre white orb moving across Nahuel Huapi Lake. Video below. "It is not a boat, nor a sailboat," the person who captured the footage told El Seis TV (translated here). "It's something st...

This Bizarre dental hygiene clip from Sesame Street feels like a surreal dream. The clip features a bird puppet who lives atop a hill and gets a lesson on how to properly clean his teeth. This lesson is given by two giant hands that burst out of...

This gentleman discovered a cool trick when lighting his sock on fire for fun. Instead of catching on fire in one spot, a ring of fire rapidly passes over the sock (which is still on his foot), and disappears before it can actually burn him. —...

When this giant buffalo walks into these folks' home to pee, everyone in the situation was equally surpised. The couple who lived inside the house did their best to stay calm, although you can hear the fear in the camera-woman's voice.  — Read...