Pro Commerce

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Blog Tags:commerce, business, history, productivity, marketing, finance, data, empiricism
Country:United States
Location:San Francisco

A look at the direction and meaning of commerce. Commerce is the source of the modern world. It has direction. It favors human diversity, open systems, markets, technology and honesty. Pro commerce is an optimistic daily view.

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Most people in the world don’t know that Jim Jones, of the famous ‘Drink the Kool-Aid’ and Guyana mass suicide of over 900 people, was a communist. I knew Jim Jones, personally, and interacted with him over the years he was in San Francisco. I...

We may have a very distorted view of our own history. Do we always lose our wars? Independence Start with our War of Independence. Did we win? Britain gave up. Really France won. The Treaty of Paris 1783 makes it clear. France as the winner was given...

For the Record

on Jun 19, 2024

When Republicans controlled the Presidency and Congress we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the end of the Civil War. I tried to get the nation to celebrate the 100th and 150th anniversary of the Civil War and the 14th Amendment but nothing happene...

We Vibrate

on Jun 13, 2024

Humans vibrate. There appears to be two types of vibration. One is the vibration that is the speed at which one lives one’s life. I know this from the large number of women I have dated and spent intimate time with. This type of vibration is very s...

Somehow the world needs a good lesson in Middle Eastern history. Palestinians and a million other misinformed people think that when the newly founded state of Israel was forced to fight off five well-established and well-armed Arab enemy nations, th...

Term limits and small districts. I’ve watched California go from a Republican state to a super-majority Democrat one. I was close to politics all that time. I finally figured out what happened. I watched the change in the legislatures as Assemblyma...