15 Minute Lunch

Blog URL:http://15minutelunch.blogspot.com
Blog Tags:comedy, humor, life, funny, stupid

I notice funny stuff. I write down the funny stuff I notice. Sometimes I write about my ridiculous childhood, or my ridiculous day. Stop by.

Latest Blog Posts

Those of you who know me either in real life or through this blog know that I’ve always been a bit of a germaphobe.  I’m a weird sort of germaphobe though, because my deal with germs has more to do with gross people than the actual germs. Wh...


on Oct 2, 2018

Well, I finally got tired of eating whole chickens out of plastic capsules, and my wife convinced me to try one of those "we'll send you all the ingredients you need!" food services to see what's up. We figured at the very least we would get to try s...

No Laughing Matter.

on Jan 6, 2018

I walked into the dentist's office with a bit of trepidation - I'd had a hot/cold sensitivity in one of my chompers for a few days, and figured I had a cracked filling. Both hot and cold food would cause a dull ache in my brain, and sometimes biting...

I learned a new word.

on May 19, 2017

I overheard a conversation today in which one woman smugly said to another woman, "I engaged my kundalini today."The first thought that occurred to me was that it sounds like something you'd order in an Italian restaurant.  I'll have the Kundali...

We continued hiking toward Sampson Lake, figuring we’d get there with enough time to rest a bit, gather some firewood and decide what we were going to have for dinner. We didn’t have a ton of choices. We’d been shoveling homemade granola into...

5000 words. Gone.

on Jul 13, 2016

OK, so I had Part II almost ready to go.  I was using Chrome when suddenly the post autosaved and everything was blank.  The back button did nothing.  A week's worth of writing up in smoke.  I will probably not remember most of wh...

It's 11:55 pm on Friday, and I am officially turning over a new leaf.  I've just removed the Book of Faces and Twitter apps from my phone, and my plan is that I'm only going to check them once a day, and then eventually wean myself off of doing...