Thank you for visiting Mental Poo.Feel free to browse around Mental Poo, but PLEASE NOTE that I have moved my Internet residence over to's right, I have a dot-com now so nothing can stand in my way of world domination except my...
If you've been living in a cave then congrats on figuring out how to get decent wi-fi in the wilderness.If you haven't, then you know my latest literary creation, Romantic as Hell, has finally gone on sale!As of August 20th, you can get it at these l...
Hey everyone.First, I need to apologize for getting you guys all excited and posting for, like, 3 weeks straight and then disappearing again.I'm like that mysterious man in your life who has a wife and only spends time with you when his wife is visit...
So, turns out I have some pretty high-profile backers of my upcoming book. I just got Justin Guarini to endorse "Romantic as Hell" and my boner hasn't gone done since I've received his quote.I'm not gay, just really excited.Not that there's anything...
Well, it's getting closer to release time (that's what he said), so here you go...The officially almost-final cover of "Romantic as Hell"Stay tuned for presale info and the final release date COMING SOON!!!What do you guys think?http://www.midgetmano...
Let me start this off by saying that I love my dog.Let me follow that up by also saying that I will not be surprised if, one day, my dog up and kills me while I sleep.You see, we love putting things on Jax's head.I don't know how this started, or why...
By the time you read this, I will have coached my first kids U12 (Under 12) soccer game of the season.I fucking hate soccer.HATE IT.The only reason I'm coaching is because (a) no one else would step up to coach, (b) there are some pretty hot soccer m...