"Bay Area" Blogs & Blog Posts


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A hiker who slipped from his trail, falling around 100 feet down a cliff near Sausalito, California on Sunday evening was clinging for dear life when rescuers spotted him from a helicopter. Dramatic footage captured by the Sonoma County Sheriff's Off...

A police officer in Hayward, California attempted to pull over a vehicle for an equipment violation but the driver raced off. When the cops finally located him, they determined he was on probation and searched his vehicle. Inside was an array of deli...

Radious, a startup in Portland, Oregon, lets homeowners in several cities rent out their homes as coworking spaces.

Miami and San Francisco have been experiencing population declines, though Census data reveals St. Louis and New Orleans are shrinking the fastest.

I just received the good news that Maker Faire, an annual celebration of creativity and collaboration, is returning to the Bay Area after a hiatus of several years. I attended every one since 2006, as well as Maker Faires in Tokyo, Rome, New York, De...

A former Bay Area resident left and has no regrets. She said the traffic congestion became unbearable and limited her desire to live in California.

See how two Bay Area garages became chic homes thanks to Symbihom, an ADU conversion company started by commercial real-estate veteran Rebecca Möller.