"Geek" Blogs & Blog Posts


Personal family friendly blog with ideas, opinions, insight...whatever.

The Urbanvox HQThe Urbanvox HQ

The adventures and dissadventures of a geek/photographer/designer/dad/husba...

Torsten Curdt's weblogTorsten Curdt's weblog

Talking about software development, travel and photography.

Geek OrthodoxGeek Orthodox

You rollin' twenties on the polyhedral? You makin' the Kessel Run...

Maybe It's Just Me...Maybe It's Just Me...

I'm very laid back and easy going. I like to meet people, read, talk a...


From the land of Arabian Nights, comes a story teller of a partially differ...


This is a blog about happiness, dreams and anything cute and geek=)


Posting Frequency on "geek"


Latest Blog Posts

BlizzCon 2019 has come and gone, and it was quite an event: the final (official) debut of Diablo IV, the first female champion of Hearthstone’s Grandmasters Global Finals, and a big Overwatch World Cup victory for Team USA—their first as well. Re...

Every geek worth their (Taco Bell) salt has a stash of tech gear they can’t live without. And it’s not just a pile of expensive stuff: old-school gaming consoles, a stack of hard drives, or a forgotten drawer of old smartphones. There are plenty...

Another overly niche streaming service is closing up shop. On Friday, Alpha – a geek-friendly streaming service that focused on TV, pop-culture, sci-fi, comics, video games and more – announced it was shutting down. The subscription-based...

There are precious few days left to get gifts for the geek in your life. If you’re running out of time, and the holiday slush fund is running dry, these inexpensive-but-nerdy gifts can pad out the space under the tree.Read more...

One of the most immediate — and already live — applications for robotics and artificial intelligence in general has been in using unmanned robots in warehouses and other environments, where they replace humans in repetitive jobs such as s...

Who wants an interesting Christmas present for a geeky friend or family member?Why not help some Australian writers and artists at the same time.And also help the Australian comic book industryMost comic books are the floppy 32 page things you get fr...

Who wants an interesting gift for a geeky friend or family member?Why not help some Australian writers and artists at the same time.And also help the Australian comic book industryMost comic books are the floppy 32 page things you get from the newsag...