"Australia" Blogs & Blog Posts


Nathanael Boehm on user experience design, social media and Government 2.0.


Rodney Olsen is a husband, father, blogger, cyclist and radio announcer fro...

just another dayjust another day

Describes just another day in my life as a teacher, a wife, a daughter and ...

Trevor CookTrevor Cook

politics, international relations, literature

Simona AlbaneseSimona Albanese

A passion for art, culture and travel...photos and information, comments an...

Scarlet WordsScarlet Words

Elizabeth is a Melbourne blogger who writes about art & photography, fo...

A little bird told me - craftA little bird told me - craft

I'll make you a cup of tea and we can talk about craft and parenting a...


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The museum made headlines earlier this year after it moved several of the supposed Picassos to a female toilet cubicle.

BetStop, Australia’s national self-exclusion registry, has seen nearly 26,000 registrations, recent statistics show. As of the end of June 2024,… Continue reading BetStop registers nearly 26,000 in Australia’s self-exclusion effort...

The Australian island of Tasmania is a bit chilly in the winter, with highs between 3 and 11 degrees Celsius, or 37 and 51 degrees Fahrenheit. Tourism Tasmania has created some odd jobs to encourage off-season travel. Among them is Wombat Walker, whi...

The first Indian Pacific, a great transcontinental rail adventure, first left Sydney for Perth in 1970. Thous­ands of well-wishers gat­h­ered a few days later to welcome its safe arrival in Perth, cap­it­al of Western Aust­ralia. It was the fir...

StKilda once celebrated its reputation as a centre of privilege and taste, the wealthiest suburb in C19th Melbourne. Although spouse and I lived in St­Kilda from 1976 on, I knew nothing of this cool C19th history. So I was very pl­eased to connect...

  As seasons of the year in Australia begin to change in character there is some value in establishing what the climate zones across the country's 7.688 million km² landmass are, in order to form personal comparisons that are based on more than...

Frogs are adorable, but they are also an essential keystone species. Frogs eat a lot of things, and a lot of things eat frogs. Their waste products cycle nutrients through the ecosystem. Like beavers, they alter their environments and help keep them...