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Esri, the geographic information system (GIS), mapping and spatial analytics company, is hosting its (virtual) developer summit today. Unsurprisingly, it is making a couple of major announcements at the event that range from a new design system and i...

In 1997, William Moldt, then 40, called his girlfriend from a Palm Beach County, Florida bar to tell her he was on his way home. He didn't show up and was never heard from again. Recently though, a former Wellington, Florida was looking at this Googl...

If you've ever pulled out your phone to take a picture of a butterfly, researchers want your help. A team from the University of Maine is using an app that lets citizens scientists along the East Coast take photos of monarch butterfly migration...

 Religion and technology are not two phrases that often go hand in hand. Molly Burhans is looking to change that. Growing up Catholic in upstate New York, Burhans had the intention of becoming a nun. However, after studying landscape and ecolog...

A frail portrait Between 1990-2012, India increased access to sanitation for 291 million people. Still, 597 million Indians defecate in the open. That roughly accounts for half.. The post Pratima Joshi: “If our slums vanish, our cities will col...

The Spanish firm is also relocating its headquarters to New York, nearer to most of its client base -- though it insists it will still be a European company. CartoDB takes $8M in funding to build platform for “thousands” of niche mapping...

I suck at drawing, and odds are you do, too. One of the great things about computers is that they do the work for us. We have spell check to save us from those embarrassing tyops and calculators for hassle-free math. For those of us who love maps but...