"Shakespeare" Blogs & Blog Posts

Shakespeare wuz ereShakespeare wuz ere

Life but not as we know it. Existing in Shakespeare's town - Stratford...


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Back in 2010, writers Anthony Del Col and Conor McCreery teamed up with artists Andy Belanger, Ian Herring, and Kagan McLeod for a bloody, pulpy take on the ol' Bard. The first volume of Kill Shakespeare was a tremendous hit, pitting Hamlet against J...

The idiocy of right-wingers never seems to have a limit. Now a Florida school board wants to censor Shakespeare. Drew Lichtenberg (lecturer at Yale University and dramaturg at the Shakespeare Theater Company in Washington, D.C.) responds to this stup...

As a Boston resident who has technically received a Tony Award, I am obviously the official Boing Boing authority when it comes to theatre-related Boston gags, and I'm here to tell you that this, right here? This is perfect. View this po...

I cannot remember the last time I entered a room in which there wasn’t another Emily. My childhood best friend, who’s named Meagan, is convinced that Megans—in all their various spellings—will become the next generation of Karens (ironically,...

England's Icarus Theatre Collective recently put out a casting call for a new production of William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet that would transplant the star-crossed lovers to the Holocaust. In this version, Hitler Youth member Romeo falls in l...

If you’re noticing an existential gloom hanging over all of humanity today, rest assured: It’s not because today is “The Ides of March.”Read more...

Prior to 2010 not many people had heard of Benedict Cumberbatch  nor could they, probably, pick him out of a line up. That wasn’t due to lack of exposure; parts in seventeen TV shows, ten films, thirty radio programmes, and eighteen theatre plays...