"Thoughts" Blogs & Blog Posts

Raoul PopRaoul Pop

Thoughts on technology and other topics from a photographer and IT guru, as...

I'm just saying...I'm just saying...

Pictures I take and my thoughts about them and life.


semi original musings of insipid insightfulness


DeejSpeaks is created by a teenager that likes to experiment everything aro...


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1. We're halfway through the school holidays. I'm ready to go back to work but not ready to go back to the school routine. I much prefer our relaxed holiday mornings and the mornings when I go to work and the boys stay home.  2. I'm becoming mor...

1. It's school holidays!  2. Clarabelletoks on Threads is one of my favourite accounts. She's so funny, even funnier are her replies to people. If you need a good laugh, check her out here.   3. Poppy King has released another lip...

1. One week to go until school holidays. I am equally anticipating and dreading them. 2. I have not yet done any christmas shopping.  3. I have no desire to do any christmas shopping.  4. I do have plenty of desire to shop for myself,...

1. You know when you really want to talk but your brain has run out of words? That's me this week. My brain has left the building. 2. Who shopped the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales? I got two Holme Beauty primers, that's it. It's not cheap if y...

I only have one thought this week. It's probably controversial but it needs to be said. There's a lot going on in the world right now and it's very heavy. All over social media I see uproar and outrage (rightly so). I also see a lot of pressure...

1. Christmas releases are starting to trickle out. So far I am underwhelmed.2. I notice a lot of influencers are being called to speak out about world events. I disagree with this on so many levels. That's probably a blog post in itself. I'll stick w...

According to a study by the University of Virginia, many people find the prospect of being left alone with their thoughts uncomfortable, to the point that they would rather endure an unpleasant experience like an electric shock. The study, involving...