Art and Architecture, mainly

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Blog Tags:art history, history, architectural history, Victorian, Edwardian, Australia, Britain

The fine arts, decorative arts and architecture of Europe, North America and Australia, 1650-1933.

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Clown with young child in bed, ? hospital Biomedical ScienceMedical clowns in a U.S hospital health-care team started when a professional clown at NY’s Big Apple Circus founded Clown Care in 1986. Cl­own­ing became a well-establish...

Stourton's book was published in 2017I knew Kenneth Clark (1903-83) from watching his Civil­is­at­ion series on tv in 1969 and from his involvement with one of my favour­ite art historians Bern­ard Beren­son. And more recently I read Kenne...

The evidence. A witch kissed the arse of the DevilWitch-hunting plagued Europe, as soon as the idea that witches worshipped the devil took hold. Read an excellent book, Scottish Witches and Witch-Hunters by Julian Goodare ed, 2013. In Scotland,...

The Kingdom of Armenia adopted Christianity as its national religion in the C4th, loyal to the Armenian Apostolic Church. Armenian Christ­ians were just one of many ethnic groups in the Ottoman Empire. But in the late 1880s, some polit­ical organis...

Irina Antonova (1922-2020) was born in working-class Moscow. Dad Alexander Antonov trained as an electrician, and was an early member of the Bolshevik party from 1906. Her Lithuanian mother, Ida Heifetz, studied to be a singer then met Alexander...

Irina Antonova (1922-2020) was born in working-class Moscow. Dad Alexander Antonov trained as an electrician, and was an early member of the Bolshevik party from 1906. Her Lithuanian mother, Ida Heifetz, studied to be a singer then met Alexander...

The first London coffee house was opened in 1652 by Pasqua Roseé, a member the English Levant Co. that traded with Turkey. In Smyrna-Izmir, he found a taste for the dark stim­ulant drink. With time, each British coffee house  de...