"France" Blogs & Blog Posts

paris france and beyondparis france and beyond

weekly blog about paris and greater france and occasionally other places an...


Davidikus is the visual diary of an exile in London. It is solely a photobl...

French Photo Du JourFrench Photo Du Jour

Real photos. Real France. Daily snapshots and snippets of life in France......

Provence PostProvence Post

If you live in, travel to or just love the South of France...

Alizee NationAlizee Nation

All about the French singer Alizee from the island of Corsica


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Organizers avoided disruption by agreeing to give performers on temporary contracts a greater cut of broadcast royalties.

A French aerospace company has seen a surge in US-based applications since offering disgruntles SpaceX workers a sweet gig, according to CNBC.

Arthur Begtine moved from France to the US and found the American lifestyle suited him better.

My American son spends half the year in France and half in the US. He noticed roads are smaller in France, and Coca-Cola is better there.

Irina Antonova (1922-2020) was born in working-class Moscow. Dad Alexander Antonov trained as an electrician, and was an early member of the Bolshevik party from 1906. Her Lithuanian mother, Ida Heifetz, studied to be a singer then met Alexander...

Irina Antonova (1922-2020) was born in working-class Moscow. Dad Alexander Antonov trained as an electrician, and was an early member of the Bolshevik party from 1906. Her Lithuanian mother, Ida Heifetz, studied to be a singer then met Alexander...

The first London coffee house was opened in 1652 by Pasqua Roseé, a member the English Levant Co. that traded with Turkey. In Smyrna-Izmir, he found a taste for the dark stim­ulant drink. With time, each British coffee house  de...