"Bronze" Blogs & Blog Posts

Dorset SculptureDorset Sculpture

A diary of thoughts about sculpture, visual art, music, current affairs and...


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If you pay a visit to New York City's Museum of Modern Art in the near future, you'll be awash in artificial intelligence before you've even seen an exhibit. Electronic musician Arca (who has produced for Bjork and FKA Twigs) has anno...

Also known as 'blob on the water'. The wallpaper version is available at the preceding link.Today's Gratitude Item: That a difficult situation is in the process of being resolved. I am deeply grateful for the support of my family and current schoo...

Raoul Pop posted a photo: Potsdam, Germany...

So how often can a drummer for one or two already established and killer bands break away and do something that is unexpected, something unique and able to stand on it’s own two feet? Not often. Hell, I can’t think of anyone besides Dave Grohl or...

I wrote this post for Sugar & Spice back in 2011 and focused on using a few key items from my own existing wardrobe to create a plethora of holiday outfits. What is fascinating to me is that here we are, five years later, and this is still extrem...

Life happens, motivation gets focused elsewhere momentarily but, not for long! Get ready for ALL the outfits... or just from this week so far.I am here and ready to go, Monday! Even though I am feeling completely drained from my weekend (ALL the barb...

This ensemble was another example of me not appropriately judging the season that we are in. It wasn't as serious as "sweater-gate" but, there was a definite disconnect between what I had selected over the weekend based on the weather report and the...