"Disabled" Blogs & Blog Posts

Through Myself and Back AgainThrough Myself and Back Again

Negotiating the least-bumpy path I can find through life, faith, disability...


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Paul Castle told Business Insider the pranks have made him feel profoundly included, and he hopes his partner never stops doing them.

Eric Garcia at MSNBC.com points out that disabled workers are being exploited by being paid less than the minimum wage -- and sadly, it is legal. Here is part of what he writes:This past year has seen workers in numerous industries strike for better...

A MAGA gentlewoman was interviewed at a stadium where Trump is scheduled to appear, and she told the reporter that she hoped Trump will see to it that her back surgery is covered by the federal government. The interviewer asked her, "What has Trum...

As a lifelong fan of superheroes, I still have trouble accepting that parkour is real. Seeing a living, breathing, flesh, and blood being ricochet off walls and rooftops like Daredevil makes me question my state of wakefulness, if only for a second.

Personal wheelchairs could fit onto planes if the left two front seats are removed instead of being put in the hold where they can be lost or damaged.

The Urban Institute found boosting Supplemental Security Income would cut the poverty rate for low-income and disabled people by more than half.

If your iPad says it's disabled, you'll need to connect it to iTunes or Finder to restore it. The exact steps will depend on which iPad model you own.