"Friendship" Blogs & Blog Posts

Jumble MashJumble Mash

Reviews, Rants, Raves and Randomness! A little bit funny, a little bit cyni...

Long HollowLong Hollow

Where I write...capturing some of my thoughts, clearing my head, trying to ...


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When my best friend and her partner got engaged, I worried our friendship would change. I realized even if it does, it's not a bad thing.

The World Happiness Report found that boomers feel happier and less lonely than younger generations, even with fewer social interactions. Here's why.

Friendships usually experience ups and downs. But there are red flags that someone is a bad friend to you, from how they gossip to handle boundaries.

Jealousy among friends is common, but the way a friend expresses envy makes all the difference, according to a psychologist.

Imbalances happen in all relationships from time to time. But if you constantly feel drained and exploited, your friend could be an energy vampire.

The "bird test" was introduced by psychology researchers Drs. John and Julie Gottman. It involves bringing up something that interests you (a "bid") and seeing how someone reacts.

A side-effect of personal growth is feeling like you've outgrown some friendships. Here are signs you're drifting apart from a friend.