"Hiit" Blogs & Blog Posts


KellyOlexa.com is my daily journal about all things health and fitness. It&...


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High intensity interval training packs a hard workout into a short period of time, which makes it sound like it should be an efficient, superior way to work out. But HIIT doesn’t have as many advantages as we’re led to believe, and often steady-s...

High intensity interval training made headlines in the 2010s with one specific claim: that short bursts of hard work can give the same aerobic benefits as longer sessions of jogging or cycling. But the HIIT videos you can stream today have very littl...

TL;DR: Work out at home with a SKI-ROW AIR + PWR: Dual-Function HIIT Machine with Heart Rate Monitor for $1,899, a 17% savings as of Nov. 2.  If you don't have room for single-function exercise machines, consider one that packs multiple functio...

We’re all operating in survival mode right now, and stopping your regular workout routine in the middle of a pandemic is certainly understandable. But regular exercise helps with anxiety, depression and sleep quality, and in the world we are living...

We made it through October, which means the month of cardio intervals is over and we now get to lie on the floor, sweating and panting, and vowing to never do this again. Read more...

Almost every gym I’ve been to has had one rowing machine, sometimes two, and nobody ever uses it. That’s a shame, because it’s a great tool for getting a full-body workout when you’re doing cardio, and especially for intervals like we’re do...

It’s time to kick up the cardio a notch and do some intervals this October! (Intervaltober? HIITober? Okay, never mind.) There are lots of ways to do intervals, and they don’t all have to feel like you’re dying, so let’s explore the possibili...