"Recycle" Blogs & Blog Posts


A selection of eco-friendly family oriented articles about ways to be a lit...

Watchful eyes, thoughtful mindWatchful eyes, thoughtful mind

@WETM_blog trying to make a difference in the world of science and eco-awar...


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I have questionsWhy do the squirrels feel compelled to cross the dangerous street for something to eat? There is probably something just as good on their side. Why does your favorite song come on the radio the minute you pull into your drive-way...

It is so nice to find out you paid a $200 bill twice and receive a check in the mail. I keep forgetting I don't have that extra money in my account. I had all ready spent some of it in my head on a few expensive things that I have been really wanting...

I worked all day yesterday trimminig bushed in the backyard, I could hardly move. I love these designers and their purpose.   Inspiring table made out of leftover materials 8 Eco-Chic Chairs Made from Recycled Materials...

Packaging for lotion, toothpaste, and makeup is a recycling disaster. But a UK business is turning it into plywood-like boards to make furniture.

We make over 1 billion pairs of jeans every year, nearly all end up in landfills. One company in Pakistan is recycling old denim into new pants.

These 9 mesmerizing hand cranked sound baths were created by artist Virginia Fleck.  They're each made from can-tabs that spin around on a hand cranked, metal sphere. Not only does this recycling of everyday objects create a fantastic atmosphere of...

Picking through a mountain of trash as high as 165 feet is how thousands of pemulung earn their living near Jakarta, Indonesia.