Curly's Corner Shop, the blog!

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Blog Tags:politics, conservative, south-tyneside, south-shields
Country:United Kingdom
State/Province:Tyne and Wear
Location:South Shields

Local and national UK politics with a dash of wit and humour, from a former South Tyneside councillor

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Ocean Road suffers again. The brief but intense thunderstorm which hit the north east of England this afternoon was not in any way an exceptional summer weather event, the storm lasted less than an hour and the volume of rain was far less than the la...

Short set from former X Factor winner Heard quite a few moans and groans in the Bents Park, South Shields this afternoon as Matt Cardle fans seemed a little cheesed off at his late arrival at the venue and the late start to his performance. The forme...

The Mayor of South Tyneside to cut her weight The Mayor of South Tyneside Cllr. Eileen Leask told me today that she is on a mission to make serious cuts! No, not more public finances under threat but her waistline! Eileen is determined to lose a few...

The advertising campaign OK we must have seen this a fair bit now, and apart from one desperately upset reader in the Shields Gazette it appears to have hit the right notes, if it didn’t it hit people who are not bothered about complaining too...

South Tyneside Festival now in full swing I found it difficult to hide a little disappointment that South Shields would not see any of The Mouth of the Tyne Festival this year, the Saturday night parade has become a luminary and pyrotechnic spectacle...

Former Foreign Secretary takes the sea air in South Shields A lot of people were rather bemused that Prime Minister “call me Dave” Cameron carved out “chillaxing” time at the weekends by losing his daughter at the pub or playi...

The Badlanders ride into town I don’t know why, but every time we hold a special commemoration for Armed Forces Day in South Shields we end up with heavy skies and rain, and so it was on this damp Sunday morning as the Badlanders MCC rode into...