"Pictures" Blogs & Blog Posts

England's Pleasant PasturesEngland's Pleasant Pastures

Wholly pretentious, sentimental, often bland and above his station, this ph...

Happier Ever AfterHappier Ever After

Enjoying the single life...while looking for Mr. Right

Mental PooMental Poo

Jerking off your funny bone, one post at a time.

Fashion's MavenFashion's Maven

A 26 year old girl trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows...


Day-to-day notes of a Bohemian academia

Toronto Grand Prix TouristToronto Grand Prix Tourist

Photographer explores locations, events and adventures in Toronto, Ontario.


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A very long time ago in my late teens, I wrote a book with the rather unimaginative title ‘The Magic Forest’ which was (quite rightly) never published. Although derivative (I was inspired by Walter de la Mare’s strange and wonderful novel ‘Th...

Major airlines are investing in eVTOLs, often referred to as flying taxis, as a way to transfer passengers between transport hubs and city centers.

There are five ways to take screenshots on a Samsung Galaxy, including with Bixby, the Palm Swipe feature, the physical buttons, and more.

The Umbrellas - Pictures [Music Video] The post The Umbrellas – Pictures [Music Video] first appeared on PhotogMusic.

The pandemic has taken so much from us—but do you know what it doesn’t have to take? Our kid’s awkwardly posed school pictures (complete with traditional blue or grey background), that’s what.Read more...

Dog Day - Pictures [Music Video]...

They’re on a mission to dazzle! It’s kind of 20s. It’s sorta 60s. But whatever the expression – we are into it! Check out Cats... The post OMG, it’s cats in citrus hats! appeared first on OMG.BLOG.