"Afghanistan" Blogs & Blog Posts


International, Middle Eastern, Canadian, local Politics, media, analysis.

Ms SparkyMs Sparky

Ms Sparky is a political blog committed to investigating and publicizing co...


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A US Army officer shares a modified combat rig that could offer soldiers a more optimized alternative to the traditional harness.

Tim Sheehy told WaPo he fabricated a story to shield himself and his former platoon members from being probed over an old gunshot wound.

A Russian businessman and his wife are believed to have been on a private jet that crashed in Afghanistan during a medical evacuation, per Russian media.

Meet the FTP, an all-female unit of Afghanistan's army that served missions alongside American forces, and had to survive the devastation and chaos of the fall of Kabul.

Taliban security forces can be seen maneuvering through the traffic of Kabul on rollerblades in a new video.

SAS soldiers claimed to have executed handcuffed detainees in Afghanistan and this was reported to General Gwyn Jenkins, now the second-most senior officer in the British Armed Forces. Jenkins, instead of referring the report to Military Police, lock...

Victory in Israel's deadly Gaza invasion may turn on the same factors the US blundered in its post-9/11 wars.