"Assemblage" Blogs & Blog Posts

Walking With KrystinWalking With Krystin

Adventures of a mixed media visual artist.


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Daniel Essig is interested in traces of the past, ancient binding styles, altered books, distressed finishes, and found objects. Since he was six or seven years old, he's been collecting small objects. He have seashells and interesting rocks that he...

Japanese artist Mozu makes incredible, miniature dioramas with tiny, winking electronic devices; their latest piece is The Secret Base of Kubito, a tiny workroom hidden behind an electrical outlet. Mozu says of it, "This work, which was born from the...

Last year, artist Jason Stieva completed work on "Leviathan – Ark of the Apocalypse," a spectacular, 7-foot-long, 8-foot-high sculpture of a ghostly pirate ship. Steiva is an assemblage sculptor and tattoo artist from Whitby, ON who spent 15 months...

Jeremy Mayer is a San Francisco sculptor who creates incredibly intricate creatures from torn-apart typewriters. One of Jeremy's preying mantises has lived in my home for many years and I still marvel at its construction. Wired visited Jeremy's studi...

Sculptor Jud Turner (previously) sends us two new pieces: Deindustry ("a meditation on the industrial divinity of late-stage capitalism, and combines my fear of heights with my fear of over-industrialization") and Scale of Themis ("an imagined tool f...

Sculptor Jud Turner (previously) sez, "My childhood friend recently commissioned me to a pair of traditional Chinese Fu Dogs, which symbolize protection. He's of Chinese descent, recently bought a house in the suburbs, and said 'I want my kids to kno...

Toiletpaper Magazine's Toiletpaper Paradise show at New York's Caddilac House is a series of "domestic interiors" filled with the art and sculptures from the magazine. (more…)...