"Blind" Blogs & Blog Posts

Melody's doodlesMelody's doodles

The ramblings of an artist, mother of four sons, urban chicken rancher, and...


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Envision Glasses use Chat-GPT and Google Glass hardware to process the visual information around the user and convert that into speech.

Paul Castle told Business Insider the pranks have made him feel profoundly included, and he hopes his partner never stops doing them.

You don’t really think about how to clean your window blinds until you have to, but when you get down to it, it’s a tedious job. You probably avoid cleaning them as long as possible, but eventually, the job needs to be done. Fortunately, there’...

The visual impaired population is getting more support from AI to help them ‘see’ the world around them. The already very successful human-powered app Be My Eyes (we’ve covered it before) has launched Be My AI, an automated tool tha...

Blind found that Meta and Google typically offer entry-level software engineers higher compensation packages than other Big Tech companies do.

Blind baking pie crusts should be simple: You line crimped, chilled pastry with parchment or foil, fill with dried beans to weigh it down, and bake until crisp. I’ve been making pies for years, but until I switched my weights from dry chickpeas to...

Redfin's Glenn Kelman told The Information about his mixed feelings, but Blind cofounder Kyum Kim says it lets employees "talk honestly about work."...