"Depression" Blogs & Blog Posts

Depression Anxiety An Panic AttacksDepression Anxiety An Panic Attacks

Anyone who has suffered from Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks knows on...

The ICI ExperienceThe ICI Experience

A blog about all aspects of the experience of living with Invisible Chronic...

Corinna Carlson aka Gus GreeperCorinna Carlson aka Gus Greeper

blogging from Vancouver since early 2005


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A recent college grad couldn't find a job, so she moved home. She wonders why she is failing. Her therapist told her she has post-grad depression.

Brooke Shields said Tom Cruise's criticism of her antidepressant use created conversations around postpartum depression.

Daylight-saving time may seem like a harmless shift. But doctors say it has deadly consequences, increasing risks of heart attacks, and car accidents.

The CEO of Tesla has repeatedly asked that his gravestone read "Never Went to Therapy," even while being open about his mental health.

There’s a popular theory that hot people have it easier in life, and that might be true for looks but not for temperature. People were asked to self report their levels of depression and it turns out that there’s a correlation between their body...

The memes about the Pop-Tarts mascot at the 2023 college football bowl speak to the depths of humanity, entrapped by the birdcage of capitalism.

Commutes longer than 30 minutes either way are associated with an increased likelihood of depression, according to a study published by Dong-Wook Lee and others published in the Journal of Transport and Health. The participants were 23,415 workers in...