"Ghost" Blogs & Blog Posts


Ouija boards , known also as witch, spirit and talking boards have been a s...


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Blazoner from Fredericksburg, VA, are a brand new band but the three members are far from being rookies. Stephen Sullivan, guitars & vocals, was in Lord and Alluvion as well as having an extensive solo career; Andy Murray, drums & vocals, is...

This clip of a pen and ink, animated ghost dog is going to be drifting around in my mind all day now. This spooky, wonderful little dog animation was created by Felix Colgrave.  With all the digitally created art we see today, it's refreshi...

Ghost Energy's CEO said he hits the gym first, works until 6 p.m., and allows himself to cheat meals at business dinners or with friends.

According to Psychology Today, as many three-quarters of bereaved people report some kind of after-death communication with loved ones. This could come in the form of a dream, a feeling, a favorite song on the radio, just about anything, really. I’...

It’s getting near Halloween, when the veil between the living and the dead grows thin, so I traveled to a notoriously haunted picnic table during a solar eclipse to find ghosts with my iPhone.Read more...

Whether or not you love hearing spooky stories all year round,October is inarguably the best time of year to indulge. If you’re looking for a podcast that will scare you silly, here’s a terrifyingly good roundup of prospects—some based on true...

The Otherworld podcast is perfect for people with an interest in the paranormal. I've been searching for a podcast that covers the subject matter for a long time, and I finally found one that I truly can't get enough of. The show features a wide rang...