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From Nintendo's Virtual Boy to Amazon's Fire phone, even the biggest companies can have major flops. Here are some of the notable disappointments.

Apple's smart goggles present a unique challenge, but the iPhone giant could succeed where Microsoft and Google have struggled.

A new book on Google Glass chronicles the development of the wearable device that revolutionized AR technology, tracking its meteoric rise and fizzling end.

As a child, Brin fled Soviet Russia. Since then, he's helped build Google into a trillion-dollar business and become a billionaire several times over.

As a child, Brin fled Soviet Russia. Since then, he's helped build Google into a trillion-dollar business and become a billionaire several times over.

Smart glasses definitely got off to a rocky start with consumers. To quickly recap, they were expensive, dorky-looking, and in real life, they didn’t live up to the fantasy painted for us in pop culture. As technologically advanced as something lik...

One of the first high-profile wearables is finally about to kick the bucket, several years after a short rollercoaster ride atop the tech news cycle. Google recently updated the support page for Google Glass Explorer Edition with information about th...