"Recycling" Blogs & Blog Posts

Green ShootsGreen Shoots

Features and opinion on the environmental sector and what developments mean...


Spanish blog about interior decoration, with many ideas for decorating, rec...

RecycleBill's RecycleblogRecycleBill's Recycleblog

All things green, bad and ugly, the official blog the for RecyclBills.com L...


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Watch as the plastics industry is called out for decades of fake recycling claims. Turns out trash isn't the only thing they're full of. Recycling has been a story fed to consumers to make us believe the massive amounts of trash we generate aren't so...

World leaders are negotiating a treaty to end plastic pollution, and the US is under pressure to step up.

FastFeetGrinded in the Netherlands showed Business Insider how it uses heat to break down and recycle shoes.

A key national plastic bag recycling project is shutting down following a recent ABC News exposé. The operators cite industry indifference, lack of funding and credibility problems such as those revealed by the report. "There's more of an illusion o...

AI is being used to sort out recyclable materials at waste management facilities, and some are doing a better job than human employees, WSJ reports.

Waste tires can act as breeding grounds for malaria and cause fires. One Nigerian aims to recycle every one of her country's discarded tires.

Businesses in Gaza have resorted to using trash for manufacturing and construction, including mats made from buckets and doors from refrigerators.