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Organized Rage attempt's to play a small role in encouraging people to...


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 The Maoriland Worker, launched in 1910, was an important voice of the New Zealand labour movement. On January 7, 1920, it published a column that reflected on the new year ahead. The column observes that 'Poverty, crime and war are incompa...

Will there be bananas after capitalism? It's a quandary that has plagued many a socialist philosopher throughout history, including journalist Malcolm Harris, author of the new book Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World. In a...

In 1961, Serbia was set to build a museum in Belgrade, an institution whose purpose was "to safeguard the truth about us." The never-completed Museum of the Revolution only got as far as the basement, and what was once meant as a tribute to Socialist...

"In favor of a fully-socialized city" When Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed his New Deal Legislation in the 1930s, hardcore market capitalists derided him as a socialist. This refrain is often heard anytime there is a proposal to spend public resour...

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) completely lost his temper during a House Oversight Committee hearing on Thursday morning, leaving Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to apologize to the witness on his behalf. “Men who treat women like that in public,...

The presidential case for the Hyatt heir who brought you "ToiletGate"...

Before the promise of structural change, the thorny question of emotion remains...