"Comment" Blogs & Blog Posts

How The "F" Did That Get There?How The "F" Did That Get There?

Ever see a random sneaker on the side of the road and wonder how the F it g...


A daily comment in verse....... doggerel, lyric, juvenile, nonsense, politi...


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Today, we’ve got a new take on the classic tale of a semi-anonymous man on Instagram thinking he’s well within his right to comment on a woman’s body online. Let’s dig in.Read more...

Unfortunately the following newspaper clipping and video are less cynically humorous than they are chillingly close to the truth.A NSW Upper House mock 'voting guide' to those political parties which might turn up on your 25 March 2023 NSW state elec...

Jonah Hill explicitly asked his fans to stop making positive or negative comments on his body this week, which immediately prompted Sharon Stone to... comment on his body.Read more...

Most developers don’t enjoy writing documentation for their code and that makes life quite a bit harder when a new team member tries to get started on working on a company’s codebase. And even when there are documentation or in-line comme...


more super groovy video weirdness from tyler russo et al. this time commentary on death: goodbye...

How to be a good Facebook, social media, friend, or blog follower is quite simple. It’s called ‘netiquette’ an online version of etiquette. Basically, it’s just being a good social networking friend to both the person blogging, or posting on...